Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Yes Every body it is that time of year school has official started back.These are all MY reading books, my copy work and my math.I am home schooled so my mother has history books she reads to us(witch are not in this pic). and these are none of my note books or binders. I have some really cool reading books this year!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Dragon Egg sale

Augaust the twenty second I sold my Dragon eggs at a event called Art In The Park here are some photos Christina Brown (aka My Mother) took.  It was a lot of fun!


                                                         (I Also sold Flower clips)

Sunday, August 29, 2010


I just finished this book I loved the first two but this book ended soo sad and was very shocked for those who haven't read these books you really should there page turners every time a chapter ends Collins Puts just one word that compels you to read the next chapter I cant explain it i would Wright more but its kinda hard to wring in a arm brace( last week I sprained my arm at the beach

(I was(cross that out) I am SO team Gale)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Book Book shelf

If you can tell i cut out the inside so you can put stuff in side like money  I did not do a very god job at Cuting  it out

This is a shelf i make out of a old book and a L bracket i first saw one of these at a yard sale but decided i would make one my self

Fished Product
My dad "said" he would help me make another  with a better book one keepin my fingers crossed

Tuesday, August 10, 2010